Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Thursday, Sept 29 2005

Went 5k after a couple of weeks. Rains haven't been allowing me to run lately. Am back.

Distance: 5 km
Time: 31 mins 27 secs

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Track

Ze track around ze cricket field is fairly decent. Not amazing but decent. The dirt is goood since it doesn't screw up my knees as bad. And it sucks cuz it has ROCKS on it! Damn! Twisted my ankle twice...three cheers for ankle exercises.

The breeze is great though. Felt like running in Karachi.


Time: 23 mins 28 secs
Distance: 5 km

Starting again....

Back at LUMS. Beginning training. Have to get back in shape. Started off easy with a 3 k run in the new track around the cricket field. Great thing about the cricket field is that you get a breeze while running. Also, mp3 player rocks. Does wonders for making you forget how screwed you are or if your breathing is out.

Not a bad.

Tuesday , 6 September 2005
Distance: 3.3 km
Time: 15 mins 47
Tuesday, 26th July 2005
Time: 27 mins 33 secs
Distance: 4 km
Thursday, 21st July 2005
Time: 54 mins
Distance: 7 km
Friday, 10th June 2005
Time: 22 mins 53 secs
Distance: 3.29 km