Wednesday, July 20, 2005


5k in 29:50mins 171HR
5.25k in 31:50 177HR (split)
5.5k in 35:00 156 HR (split)

This was another hard run, I felt really hot, just willed my self to keep going after 3k.
311 or 670 Calories. Pick one!
In Zone: 12:46
Average HR: 170
Peak HR: 196
Min HR: 103

Elf's Curse No.1: My watch has been cursed. The orange button, which controls the Heart Rate Monitor, got stuck when I pressed it to turn the HRM off. It is still working, but there is definately something wrong with it.

Elf's Curse No.2: My knee is acting up. I just ran between two shops and was hobbling. Today is rest day anyway, and if my visa call comes in, I'll be gone for another couple of days, so maybe it'll be okay next time I run.

I badly want to be back to 10k fitness by the time I go. I'm not going to be one of those PhDs-with-a-pouch.

Monday, July 18, 2005


5.25k run in 30mins or so (I was such a goof, didn't turn on the watch for the first few minutes, so this time isn't exact)
.5k cool-down in about 6 mins
In zone: 15:22
Av HR: 173
Peak HR: 204 (This should not go above 199)
Min HR: 139
324 or 659 Calories depending on which instrument you believe

A fairly hard run, but I just willed myself to keep going. That 10k is far, far off at this point.

Sunday, July 17, 2005


Fully a month since my last run?

I'm really unfit and I need to start running regularly. Bas bohat ho gaee. I couldn't run 5k at a stretch for crying out loud!

Ran/walked 5.06k
Either 286 (treadmill) or 699 (watch) calories burnt. I've always wanted to believe the watch!

In zone: 13:48
Av HR: 173
Peak HR: 198
Min HR: 90